(Expired) Free 2-Load Sample of Snuggle w/ Fresh Release Fabric Softener

:claps: Thanks Kris for the new link--use this all the time! :teeth:
yay glad I decided to look at last page to see what everyone was saying after clicking on the first link and having it tell me sorry. Thanks for that new link :)
I actually got 5 of them in the mail today- I guess a computer glitch of the positive kind!
I didn't get this one.. but I signed up for their updates... So hopefully next time I can get in it!
I did receive this last week, but posted in the other Snuggle thread. Since I found that I had sent for it May 3, it now appears it must've been from here. Oh well. Maybe they were the same offer. This is the only Snuggle I marked on my list.
got 2 of them

I actually got 5 of them in the mail today- I guess a computer glitch of the positive kind!

now i am feeling deprived LOL LOL;);)
I only got 2 of them :proud:
Received two today as well~both with a crazy spelling of my name! I think inarobin is right about the computer glitch;)