Email subscription?


Silver Member
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Hi guys. Hope that this in in the right place.

Ok so I've been around a while. The other day I was asking my friend if he's been checking in here @ lately and he said that no, he hasn't much. But that he gets a daily email from [email protected] showing the latest deals and such. Of course I told him that he was missing out on many other great deals and suggested he start checking in again.

But wait.. (!)

How did I miss that? I didn't know that there was a daily email. :\

So I figured that I would just go and sign myself up.

Here's the thing. For the life of me I can't find any information for an email subscription and a way to get signed up.

Does anyone have any idea/link/info please?

Thanks in advance for any help.
I believe you have to enable e-mail notification from administrators in your account. Go here and search for "Receive Email from Administrators", check the box, and then click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for the response and the link. Just looked and that is already checked. I still can't find anything.
OK, I'm stumped now. I'll forward to Spoofee to see if there is a glitch in the matrix.
Thanks very much. Just throwing this out here. Could it be that the 'glitch' is that I am using a email address? I'll ask a friend test a different email and see if he can subscribe through his control panel. Again. Thank you for taking the time to help me with this.
I sent a text to Spoofee, but haven't heard back yet. I'll keep trying.
Thanks. It is a weekend, so I understand. Hope everyone has enjoyed it to the fullest.