Computer virus ???


RIP Pretty Unique
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
I have virus protection, spyware checker & spyware blocker that are kept updated, & I scan w/them everyday. I keep getting Trojans. How can I block them? My virus program can't heal them & sends them to the vault, where I have to manually delete them.
Tell your husband to stop frequenting porn sites. The Trojan virus problems will miraculously go away ;)
I like to use this software to clean trojans off of my clients PC's , you can use it free for 30 days before you have to buy it. It is a good trojan cleaner. But I agree with gr8nrg, the only way to get them is to visit somewhere you shouldn't or use a file sharing program like limewire...
Well thanks. I know it isn't the porn sites because it is my computer & I am the only one on it. My kids have their own. We use Limewire for downloading music to our Ipod. I guess they will have to download the music from their computer. Thanks, I'll try moosoft site.
dont delete the trojans from the virus vault keep the there thats why you have the vault.
Warning Will Robinson!!!

...We use Limewire for downloading music

Rumor has it that Limewire is a very good site for picking up trojans (and is a very good site for porn - you might want to doublecheck your download library).

By using Firefox to access the Internet and AVG ( Free Edition you should be OK