dehawk666 said:
So big daddy , "Whats the meaning of life" , "why am i here"
Meaning of life:
Life is the "term used to summarize the activities characteristic of all organisms—ranging from such primitive forms as cyanobacteria (formerly known as blue-green algae) to plants and animals. These activities fall into two major categories: reproduction and metabolism. The mechanism of reproduction is now known to be controlled by the properties of certain large molecules called nucleic acids. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) constitutes the hereditary material that can be passed from one cell or organism to another, because DNA molecules can make copies of themselves by means of a process known as template replication. The DNA molecule consists of a long series of coded messages capable of directing the synthesis of specific proteins at any time in the cell or life cycle. In turn, these proteins are responsible for the synthesis of many other substances within the living organism. Reproduction therefore involves making copies of the molecules constituting an organism and ultimately results in copies of the organism itself (see Genetics).
The other major activity of living organisms is metabolism, the physical and chemical processes by which energy from the outside world is used in such activities as reproduction (including growth), locomotion, and responsiveness to the environment (which constitutes the activities of the nervous system in animals). The energy source can be either the radiant energy of the sun, converted to a usable form by photosynthesis, or the chemical energy of ingested food. A living organism thus resembles a motor in that both convert one kind of energy into another. A precise definition of life is difficult, but, in a rough sense, an organism is considered alive if both metabolism and reproduction are active.
Both metabolism and reproduction are carried on in cells (see Cell). In eukaryotic cells the DNA lies within the nucleus, a central structure bounded by a membrane; in prokaryotic cells (such as bacteria), which do not have distinct nuclei, the DNA is not enclosed. The proteins coded for in the DNA are synthesized in the cytoplasm, the fluid material lying outside the nucleus (in eukaryotic cells) and bounded by the cell membrane. All of the structures required for metabolism are contained there; thus, the cell is the unit of both reproduction and metabolism.
The only exceptions to the above description of life are viruses (see Virus). They are only partly living organisms: They possess the replicating nucleic acids but lack the ability to convert energy. In order to obtain enough energy to reproduce, viruses act as parasites; they invade a host cell and cause it to follow the instructions of the viral genetic material. In this way the virus takes over the genetic apparatus of the host to create more virus particles, a process that prevents the host cell from reproducing normally. Virus particles consist only of nucleic acid wrapped in a protein coat. In some groups of viruses, the nucleic acid is ribonucleic acid (RNA) instead of DNA.
One of the central questions about life is how it originated. The generally accepted theory is that early in the history of the earth some system of replication powered by external sources of energy must have been formed. A further assumption is that the Darwinian principle of natural selection soon began to play an important role in this process, favoring those replicating molecules that could find energy most readily. Such an assumption is reasonable because evolutionary success through natural selection is measured in terms of the ability of a living system to perpetuate its replicating molecules, or genes. Thus, primitive systems capable of carrying out the metabolic processes necessary to perpetuate their genes had a competitive advantage and eventually evolved into cells. The changes that have taken place since the origin of the cell—the rise of prokaryotes, nucleated cells, multicellular organisms, and, ultimately, higher plants and animals—are also thought to have occurred as a result of natural selection (see Evolution). Given such an evolutionary progression, it is possible that parallel evolution could have occurred on other planets in the universe."
In answer to your second question "why am I here":
Because Spoofee is the place to be.