Are your kids' school's doing this? (H1N1)

swine flu has hit here in western n.c. ... in fact it has been here for some time now. One of the preschool teachers has it right now, along with her kids. I know at least 10 kids in the elementary school have had it. You know, this is how I look at it. I (even though I hesitate to say this) would rather get exposed to this flu early on and develop some immunity on my own than to have to wonder about the safety of the vaccine that's going to be administered. I'm not convinced I want my kids to get it.
In the 70s swine flu 'epidemic', I got the shot. First, last and ONLY time I've ever had the flu.
The 70's epidemic was overblown, too. Much ado about NOTHING

Thats what I thought too until over half the school got sick. Sure its no worse than the regular flu but it is very widely spread and truthfully I'd rather not get it. I am also assuming that since it is so widely spread in my kids school this will continue all year or until/if everyone finally developes immunity. Just hope that they don't get it again or all they will do is pass it back and forth. Sick kids are not fun :sad:
we only had a few cases here in our whole state. I do think they are going a bit overboard with giving all the kids shots in schools. The regular seasonal flu is stated to cause more deaths and to infect more people then the H1N1 yet schools never vaccinated against that.
So who's going to be coming back to this thread to post when they're sick this season?
WAIT... are the kids in your area being diagnosed with H1N1? Holy cow. I didn't think it had "hit" yet.

There is a stomach bug going around here. Okay... only one family that I know has it right now. But I thought that the flu didn't have "stomach" symptoms. The flu is all all respiratory...

Minnesota is bad... Title of link says it all...

updated article:

Systems are very vague, and vary from person to person, according to CDC site ( )

What are the signs and symptoms of this virus in people?

The symptoms of 2009 H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. People may be infected with the flu, including 2009 H1N1 and have respiratory symptoms without a fever. Severe illnesses and death has occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus.
cybermom, thanks for the link. that's just so sad. I've been rethinking...I think I'm going to let my kids get the vaccine, since I have to get it also. then, I'll say a prayer and be calm with my decision. breathe in...breathe out. miagi sun
I got my regular annual one yesterday since I'm old. When the H1N1 is available, I'm there.
I'm encouraging my kids to get the vaccine but they don't listen to me any more. They think they are adults.
I got my regular annual one yesterday since I'm old. When the H1N1 is available, I'm there.
I'm encouraging my kids to get the vaccine but they don't listen to me any more. They think they are adults.

how old are they?
OK, I got my annual flu shot on Tuesday. On Wednesday I had a few muscle aches I hadn't had before. On Thursday the muscle aches were pretty well gone but I had a headache and today (Friday) I have less of a headache. I take no medication of any kind (including aspirin and such) so will "tough it out". It all seems pretty minor and if it improves my odds of dodging the annual "flu bullet" it's worth the annoying aches, none of which are debilitating. I'll keep you posted if it kills me.
If you are dead Jerry, how are you going to post? :eek: :faint: