A new game.....

clubchick said:
sorry about that spaz. i didn't see it when it was mixed in with all the other stuff. it IS your turn...
the queen spokesboob has spoken

he he u said boob
Speaking of boobs I'm hungry.......................:32:
when his son was a baby, a friend of mine used to call breastfeeding "dining at the titty cafe" LOL
4 boobs? - that's two too many too. Logic says it must be 2
Logic also says more than a mouthful is a waste but I don't believe it :)
here at spoofee, we don't subscribe to any of that "logic" stuff
Logic is useless in an illogical world like spoofee land!
I love boobs too but surely fuzzy logic is spoofeeish enough :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
JerryP said:
I love boobs too but surely fuzzy logic is spoofeeish enough :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

Now that's a mouthfull ;)
That sounds spooferific!!!!:) :)
What happened to my great game? :(

OK back to the game, is it :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: 4??
MMMMMMMMMMM I love Boobs:tongue:
It's booberific to the 4th spoofee power level I think.