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  • We do miss you being around :sad:

    Just in case you do stop in, I want to wish you a :birthday: tomorrow :cheers:
    Hey Angel! :kiss: Remember to make some time for us :alien: we miss you! :hug: Since you have been gone, your grades better be looking real good! LOL
    thanks for the wishes...i found what i think is perfect:


    and then saw a much cuter one from the same seller:


    which i just asked the seller if i can get instead. hopefully! i think its perfect b/c currently im using a regular day runner planner for the coupons, but then are all stuffed together in the one back pocket it provides. i hope this one really has pockets like im thinking...the instead photo didnt look like it.

    oh well it was only $4.83!

    *sorry making it a url didnt work for some reason :(
    :woot: Me too, we'll have to throw you a big ol' bash!! :cocktail: :marshmallow: :lock: LOL I majored in business administration and minored in marketing in college, we just have so much in common!! :claps: Don't worry, all of that hard work will pay off for ya! :bigok: It can seem awfully cumbersome and tiring when you are going through it but it will pay off!! I am so proud of you!! :hug: :kiss:
    LOL LOL I could recommend some meds for that!! ;) :p LOL I've probably asked this before, but what is your major? We'll have to have a big Spoofee graduation party for you in December!! :claps: I'm proud of you!!! :hug: :rose:
    :hug: I've missed ya, Angel!! :verysad: How close are you to graduating? We miss you something fierce!!! :verysad: Just wanted to say hi and that I understand you are busy, can't wait til some time frees up for you so you can be nutty w/ us again!! :lock: :peep: :alien: :rofl: Have a wonderful evening & good luck in school!! :bigok:
    That's nice that you got to split the 2 celebrations. I have about 3 weeks between my birthday and the holiday's. I never had combined gifts till I met my boyfriend that I am living with now. It's been 11 years of combined gifts, but I guess for him it's easier and he does something extra special that way. Anyway, his 1/2 birthday is your birthday June 25th. SO- If I forget, happy half birthday coming up this month! :)
    :doh: You were born on :santaclaus: Christmas Day! I'm visiting your page for the first time and just noticed. How was that growing up? I bet you got combined gifts all the time. Did you ever think that people were celebrating your Birthday when they were actually celebrating christmas? :)
    I think staying awake is a good idea, especially if it means you aren't going to wrap your hands around your neck and choke yourself! :tongue: :alien: :slug:
    Hi, Angel! :hug: I was wondering where you were and am so glad to have a fellow nut back! :dancing: :woot: I can't believe you are even awake at this hour! :rofl: :rofl: We are going to have to kick you out of the night owl club! :tongue:
    :dancing: :woot: So glad to hear from you, I was starting to wonder if you had deserted us psychos!! :alien: :lock: :slug: :rofl: Sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well, I know how that is & it's never fun! :verysad: I'm a little under the weather, but so much better than I had been! :woot: Thanks for stopping by and letting me know that you were back! :hug: :kiss:
    :rofl: :alien: Why can't I sleep--stupid insomnia!! :rant: :cussing: :rofl: You go get some rest and have sweet little :marshmallow: :slug: :alien: :spoofee2: dreams! :rofl:
    Yeah, the spoofee nuthouse is so fun and addictive!! :alien: :lock: :marshmallow: :slug: :spoofee2: :rofl: Joyce and I are always looking for more inmates--I officially crown you nuts(that's a highly bestowed honor, you know)!! :rofl: :lock: :slug: :alien:
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