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  • great minds think alike....i was just going through my Burpee catalog last night! hope you are well. thank you for thinking of me.
    part 2
    we were thinking about trying potatoes but we don't really have the room. did you try the regular potatoes or the colored ones? I thought the purple potatoes looked fun...assume anything that fresh would taste amazing as well. we also have blueberries and blackberries. They both taste great but i HATE the purple bird poop that lands on my white car! :lol: :teeth: :lol:
    part 1 hi sweetie! I was out of town on business for a few days. I have loads of veggies this year...Burpee sent me someone else's order by mistake ...so i have red and green peppers (2 plants), Japanese and regular eggplant ( 4 plants) and 2 kinds of beefsteak & early girl tomatoes (5 plants) that i didn't order. :eek: I GOT TO KEEP ALL OF THAT! :clap::teeth: and then of course they had to send my real order for my tomato collection with Roma, Cherry, grape and little mama tomatoes. so my garden is packed to the max and i have have 8 big pots as well. Burpee always replaces if they mess up or the plants die. i am going to have to a lot of produce to share with my neighbors and co workers.
    Thanks can use all the good thoughts I can get!!!! Having a heck of a time 5 of my vertebra have fractures, been a miserable couple weeks. Been taking some bad falls this last one really messed my back up. Hope all is well with you & yours!!! Take care
    Hi, Sweet! You still there or has that wind swept you up and carried you away??? It is wicked out there!
    So...now who are you pulling for in the Super Bowl????
    Will you be as happy as me when the election is over and the ads will stop and so will my phone ringing???? Geepers!!! :wave:
    I was surprised by Donny winning. I thought Kelly was going to be the fan favorite. I really didn't care who won. Happy to see a "senior" take it though! :)
    Thanks for the wishes! Go Pat's.
    And I am glad you cleared up that OTHER matter!!!
    Enjoy the game. I'll :wave: to ya!
    I just didn't mean to repost you :noidea:

    I got to go fill a chocolate pie :toilet:

    Sorry to repost your picture, I had no idea.

    Choo taught me how to make my pictures bigger. You go to www.tinypic.com

    Browse, upload and then paste the code in the second box :teeth:
    Cool deal, huh? I heard low 50's. Of course once that sun goes down it will get chilly. :hurray:Go Pat's!!!!!!!!!!!!
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