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  • Hey I tried to PM you something private, but your inbox is full.

    Please note Tutz comment below... Can you clear me a PM slot?
    sun22beam has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
    Yes I'm back North. The trip was great. The weather was warm (being summer). My wife however is still enjoying herself down there, and probably won't be back until February. Phew... I miss her. She left December 11 I believe. So she'll be gone close to two months, if not two months.
    Working a lot! I had two jobs... Then I quit my main one, and switched to full time at the contract one. Phew! Finally a tiny itzy bitzy bit of free time on my hands. Loving the new job though. My wife is in Brazil... I'm headed there on Tuesday... Heyo!

    What about you pink stuff?
    I'm glad you are responsible. I am also glad that I will never enable my own children to be lazy human beings. :) You also provide snacks for sporting events. Don't forget that very important role!
    I'm a very responsible human being, I just thought I'd make your day! :D

    By the way, just ask anyone in my household, I'm responsible for EVERYTHING! Laundry, shopping, cooking, changing beds, refilling the toilet paper & paper towels.....don't get me started. ;)
    :yesnod: If you really want a super wonderful day (and who doesn't), I'll let you contribute to my mortgage too! :angel:
    lol! maybe the red barn offset my pinkness. yes, no fudge! it was torture being in there and smelling it and not eating it. shoulda stuck my finger in it on the way out....or accidentally trip into the vat. good luck with everything!
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