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  • Wow! That was really nice of you to ask. It stinks... In 2013 I had a bout of food poisoning (the kind where just hanging on commode LOL! Anyhow, I started having all these G.I. problems. February 2014, I went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. After a lot of testing, I was diagnosed with Post-viral Gastroparesis. Essentially, my stomach doesn't work anymore. I'm slowly getting there. There's no cure. I have my good days & my bad days. But, I REFUSE to let it control me. That's why I now have a new signature...

    Life gives you 10%, 90% is what you do with it!

    Really though, I appreciate you asking.

    And how's life treating you servant?? Very well I hope!
    I chose William Blake's poem being that I am a Tigress :wink: What situations cause the Mentalist to quote that poem? I don't watch much network TV. Instead, I tend to watch a lot of food cooking, nature & science shows plus my Detroit sports teams ~~~ Detroit Tigers, Lions (who are doing pretty good this year) & my Red Wings!

    Take care servant and start buying that precious baby girl lots and lots of presents! :)
    No, but I did love Psych which had a similar plot where the "psychic" isn't really a psychic... he's just super observant & uses that talent to solves crimes. Although, I'm unsure if they are coming back for another season. Why do you ask servant? BTW... again "CONGRATS" on your new baby girl who I'm sure you going to extravagantly spoil. :)
    Servant, I want to report that a crime has been committed. Someone stole 13 of my posts!!!! Bastages!!!!
    I'm not feeling like joining the group again yet......*sigh*....nothing profound to report.

    BTW Servant----->:chicken:
    Where Dehawk really was.....raccoon realty fail....
    nope never been to Toot's. do make it to cincinnati since we have offices there... ANYTHING that is good and fun is something that interests me
    hi there, Tutz is a funky way of spelling toots.... my dad always used to call my mom, sister and I toots. since we are of German heritage and from Milwaukee, we changed the spelling to tutz as a joke when we wrote it down.
    My Brother and I went to college in Boston... him to MIT and me to Boston University and all of his Fraternity brother's started to call me Tutz as well. so it stuck.
    Okay - black & white tv's no bigger than 13" and remote control was just a glimmer of a spark in the tube....... NYC subway/bus tokens about the size of a dime...with the "Y" cut out Pizza was 35 cents a slice
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