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  • :confused: I wonder if it's age thing :noidea:

    I hope you have a great day! :smiley:
    :cheer2::cheer2::birthday::woot:Have a happy Birthday!!!:clap::yesnod:
    Have a :birthday: tomorrow :wave:

    :listen: Once every couple of months I remember to look at the calendar :rofl:
    Everything here is about the same -CRAZY :rofl: I have been very active in caring for my grandson (17 months). He stays with me 3 days & nights every week which I love! I guess after Valentines Day you have another busy season to look forward to :egg:

    Have a great day :hugs:
    I'm glad the holidays were good for you! I got a new camera so I can't complain about mine. :) You should come out of hiding and post more.
    I know, it's 58 degrees right now, but it's supposed to go up to 74. I think we should move to Hawaii. :yesnod:

    Have a great weekend!
    Hey Scoops! Things are going swimmingly besides work driving me crazy. How's things with you? What's new and exciting?
    Thanks, I'll let you know. You did see the 2 kittens right? Pussy cat's right? :noidea:
    Good Morning scoopons :wave:
    I don't know if you are on right now or not, but I just posted a picture in the animal thread and I didn't know if it was considered appropriate. Have you seen it? Let me know if you would prefer I remove it. :teeth:
    Hey there (again!)

    Just one more question (damn I'm nosy lately!) What does it mean when a visitor message is being moderated and listed on notifications as "unapproved"? I would think that if it's moderated and the mod doesn't approve, then it might be deleted and never make it to my profile page. Am I making sense? I suppose that I'm more interested in the reason WHY this member is being moderated. Is it because they haven't posted anything yet --- or you think they might be kinda shady :suspicious:
    Hey Scoopons! :wavey:

    I probably have known the answer to this question but, since I've gotten older, the old noggin ain't what she used to be! How does a member go about getting a "Spoofee" email addy?? I'd love to have one just for the freebie junk mail! Thanks for your time! Lisa
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