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  • In my best Hannible Lecter voice...
    Hello sampler! Did you hear it? Did I not come off creepy enough? LOL
    Why don't you post more???
    Sounds like a plan...i'll burn copies of the first 2 seasons...I think it will be a total of 14 discs (7 each season) shouldn't take that long, I just need to get some more blank dvd's...but i'll keep you updated...or you can contact me any time...i'll let you know how much after i'm done copying them

    yea that mario guy is my brother lol but thats wierd it did that
    Hey...of course I remember...I have Season's 1 & 2, I can burn all the copies for you...This season is great so far! I'm glad you are enjoying the show...I am on a few lost forums myself...I usually just check out the spoilers about the show lol...i'm not sure when you wrote that message because i just noticed it now so let me know if you are still looking for the first 2 seasons...
    I lurked every now and then. The site got to be too much for me....too much negativity!! It was really sad to see the downfall!!
    Hey, have you got a MySpace page??
    i check in here every once in a while. i usually check ********** to see what i'm missing. actually i haven't seen you posting either so where the heck have you been, hmmm?
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