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  • Hi mike, it's been a very long time. how are you feeling. :hugs: so glad to see a post from you!
    I didn't make the last one =( But keep those posts coming, I had a blast the last time! Sorry it took me so long to reply, I had no idea I even had notifications because of the new layout. How do you hear about these things anyway? Do you work for T-mobile? =o
    tried to hug you but was blocked out! I will get you on the next round!
    Hi thanks for the :hug: I can't hug you back I'm shut down:rant::nonod:
    I got them! =D I had a blast, I really didn't think I would enjoy basketball all that much, but being there live really made a difference! Thanks so much for posting, it made our night.
    Hoping you are feeling well enough to enjoy the day tomorrow. Merry Christmas, Mike! Maybe this will make you feel better! :present:
    :marchmellow: I'm so glad that are doing better and back with us again :cheers:
    Hi, Mike! :wave: Thanks for update as to where you have been, but that was not what I wanted or expected to hear! I wish you well. I shall keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Stick around if you are able and chat with us a bit, when you can. Apple :loving:
    hopefully not. I've been diagnosed with chronic inflammation is currently 30 times the upper limit of normal. I am hedging a bet on some bizarre reaction to permanent birth control I had placed 2 years ago. I'm getting it removed and praying for healing!
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