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  • Happy Paddys Day to you too!!! I have had my traditional Shamrock shake!!! :yesnod: :smilielol5:
    Miss Oxengemini, I almost didn't recognize you without your hanging eyeball!:wink: Hope you're keeping warm and have been well:)
    :hello::lollypop: My summer has been good. I have been able to see a couple of good movies.:yesnod: I just celebrated 15yrs on my job. :clap: I am starting to prepare for the fall. Chicago weather is starting to change. Time to put on a jacket now.:cry: Anyway, I hope all is well with you enjoy those gift cards!!! They sure save alot of money. Hope to hear from you soon!!!:):boogy:
    Hello oxengemini and merry Christmas. I cannot locate that post you reference at all. In fact, I can't see anything showing that you had been warned. Possible Spoofee glitch? Try your freebie post again if it hasn't already been posted by someone else.
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