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  • I'm glad to hear that he is stateside. We are doing great! My son was at Ft. bragg but was discharged in December and moved to this area. My grandson is now 21 months and is so darn cute LOL
    Oh, I am glad to hear that. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for you all to be apart, but I, for one, am so thankful for what your husband sacrifices for me and what your families do as well. :loving:
    Just read your signature and wanted you to know my thoughts are with you and your family along with my prayers. God bless you ALL!!!! Apple :loving:
    I'm sorry that you are all sick, ugh! yippee for hubby's homecoming :) Your little guy does a lot of things for his age - I guess the other children must be helping out. My grandson is 15 months now and doing great! My daughter-in-law and the baby moved in with me 2 months ago. My son should be discharged in a few weeks and then he is moving back. When dil moved here should brought the 2 dogs with her... well they were only here 3 weeks and had 2 puppies! I have a full house :rofl:
    I am soooo happy to hear that your hubby is home. I can only imagine how happy your family must be :love: Keep me posted to how you, hubby and the children are doing :hugs:

    The picture that displays on your profile page is called Profile Picture. The little picture that displays in your posts is your Avatar. They are both listed in your User CP. You display 2 different pictures if you choose.

    My daughter-in-law and grand:baby: moved in on the 16th. My sons discharge will hopefully be by the end of October and he will be moving back then. Having the baby here is great :heart:
    Hi! I just read your signature which made me come over to your page. God Bless your husband for what he is doing for our country. And God Bless you for staying a strong service wife. You need to post an album of all your kiddies. Tavin is just a preview. Let's see more!!! :loving: Apple
    Tavin's picture is adorable!

    I feel so bad for all of our troops and their families. They all truly sacrifice so much for their country. I know how hard this is for you :hugs: and the children. Your husband is just as proud of you as you are of him. Keep smiling :) this nightmare will be over soon.
    Will they come pack your things and move them for you or do you have to do it all by yourself? My grandson is moving here in 3 weeks and my son will be getting dicharged soon after (we hope). Have you adjusted to your older 2 being in school?
    I know you have your hands full... I wish that I lived closer to help you. Keep up the good work mommy :hugs: I wish I could see your childrens expressions when daddy comes home - priceless. If you ever want to talk, send me a private message. I am a good listener and I will help you in any way that I possibly can.
    With 2 of them in school, what will you be doing in your spare time :wink:

    Any word from hubby, his return etc?
    I am doing well. you asked me why do they have to grow up.... the answer is I don't know! They should not be allowed to :rofl: You are sending your oldest off to kindergarten this year - are you ready for it? My grand:baby: turns 1 on the 16th. Holy moly that year went by way to fast....seems like my own kids were just babies not that loooong ago :faint:
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