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  • :rofl: Facebook :pcguru: is so addicting! :lol:

    Boy, I guess you just had your baby last time we chatted! Amazing how fast time goes by :vroam:
    :nonod: Don't be sorry :teeth:

    I'm hardly here anymore :doh:

    I seem to spend a lot of time on Facebook :listen: A lot of us have moved over there :rofl:

    How's the pickle doing:questionmark:
    It's been about 1 1/2 years...:blushing: so I thought I would say hello :wave:

    I hope you are doing well :yesnod:
    :kiss: Have a safe trip and a wonderful Thanksgiving :hungry:

    It was great to hear from you :clap:
    :mad: I hate when the computer stops working right :mmph: That happened to me. I used to blame it on the music download sites. Free music costs the price of computer repairs.
    :wave: I was here checking out your blog :rofl:
    I'm glad you finally got the other leg shaved :pound:
    I need to check your blog out again, are you still on there? I feel like a :peep:stalker when I'm there :creep:
    :prey: Have you tried whiskey? :rofl:

    Good luck with the sleeping, it's great to hear from you.
    :bathbaby::toilet: I never thought about that, it would be really hard to do anything. :idea: You definately would enjoy a few sets of hands around.

    :faint: Don't shower for awhile and I bet your DH will find you some extra hands :pound:
    :idea: It's probably not unusual for Chase to be clingy now........He's used to all the attention. :itsme:

    I wish you lived closer, I am having :baby: withdrawl. I'd probably have to beg you to give him up for a minute :hail: I hope everything stays wonderful for you guys :smiley:
    :baby: is so tiny! I've never had tiny legs :rofl:

    :clap: Both the boys look great!
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