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  • Hi, I am sorta of a neophyte when it comes to sites of this kind. I know in a post once you stated you had some of the winners list from last year. If I give you my email can you please email me the lists that you have for Allure.
    Thank you,
    [email protected]
    Happy belated Birthday!:birthday: Sounds like you had a fun time w/ your bf's family. It's lousy that you have had to go through all that to get winners lists. I think I remember reading on Allure's site that people could write to them to obtain winners lists, so Allure should be held accountable to stand by their word. I hear ya, it would be so simple for Allure to just email the lists...why do they have to make things so difficult? Five more days left of Allure August giveaways... Have a great week.
    Hope you're having a nice weekend! You do help out a lot with Allure stuff, and you deserve to be thanked. :) Hope you win some great stuff this August.
    Hi lovefreebies! I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all the work you've done helping get the info out about the Allure giveaways and for helping get the winners' lists're a huge help. I was leaving a msg for Tutz today when I happened to see your msg to her, and I hope you don't mind me leaving you a msg. Please know that I truly hope you feel better soon :hugs:.
    bowing to you Allure Addicts Goddess ... Thanks for all the work to get the winners lists. You Rock.
    :cheers::santaclaus::kiss: Merry Christmas! all the best to you and your family!
    Hi, Just wanted to Thank you for the June Allures listing site. Found my name on several monthly winners list for Allure! Some of the winners list that had my name on it made me literally say to myself, "oh, ok now I know where that "item" was from" I just saw the Oct post and realized that the Philosphy Gingerbread Man body wash I received was from Allure. LOL. It's really weird though, so many times I receive free items, and all that is in the box or package is the item, nothing stating I had won it from Allure or any other contest I may have entered. I had totally forgotten about the Gingerbread Man giveaway. I may spend half a day just entering my contests in my "daily contests and giveaways folder". So basically I enter so many contests I forget what site was giving away which prize. LOL.
    Anyway, sorry for such a long message, just wanted to thank you. Found more winnings than I realized.
    Hope you have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
    On the first log on page, or when you first enter the spoofee site, that page, look at the very bottom of the page. It has the birthdays, new members and the top poster.
    Congrats again .
    Hello, just was wondering if you have the Redken hair stuff to trade yet, just love that stuff, i have some stuff to trade, not a whole lot, im on the trade up list so just let me know, thanks, Jennifer
    Sorry I already gave it away. Easy come, easy go. Anyhow, I think they're giving it away on
    hey...I am so slow with getting my list updated. Do you think you want the Bliss moisturizer? If so, let me know how many and I'll take a looksy over your list. thanks. :teeth:
    i do have 2 of them up for grabs...i'm going to try to go through all of my stuff and update my list tomorrow. sorry just getting back to you...i was out of town!
    Karen, I'm sorry work has prevented me from being on spoofee. My sister wants the Dior goodies, so I think I'm just going to give them to her. So please feel free to trade the Kerastase. Sorry to keep you waiting. Hopefully we can trade in the future.
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