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  • I'm doing great! How are you doing? Sorry I haven't been here in years :ahhhhh:
    :wave: Hi honey :faint:

    Sorry it's been so long, I hope your Holidays were the BEST! :first:

    I haven't checked messages on here in so long :rip:

    I finally got that needed vacation this month :yikes:

    What's new with you:questionmark:

    Are you on FB? That's where I've been a lot with a bunch of the people from here. :blushing:
    :wave: Hey there, it's been sooo sooo long :teeth:

    I'm doing well, nothing that great to talk about, how are things with you? Are you ready for the Holidays yet?

    :listen: Are you still with your BF?

    Crazy busy summer for me, changed jobs after 26 years :eek:
    I need a vacation so bad, I can't stand it.
    :hurray: You're in love :heart: All is well with me. It is getting cool in Chicago. We have 60 degrees today!!:yesnod: I took some line dancing classes. I want to take them again in the spring. How is the weather by you? Are you ready for the holidays. I will spend mine with my family.:) Do you shop on black Friday? I have to work. I really don't care too much for it. I use to work in retail. The experience is not good.:nonod: I hope you have a wonderful Holiday!! Hopefully It won't take forever for us to keep in touch.:peace:
    :heart: Not sure what were doing for Valentines Day :nonod:

    We are going :driver: to Chicago this weekend for some family events, so that kinda cuts out on the :heart: celebration

    I bet you will have a romantic day :smiley:

    What are you doing:questionmark:
    :laugh: When you said "i saw the mechanic yesterday" I thought you had a problem with your car :rofl:

    I never go to the movies, did you like it?

    :party: Happy New Year :cheer2:
    :wavey::lollypop: Hi sweetie!! Chicago is due for a serious :smow: storm.:rant::cry: 30 inches altogether from Tuesday - Wednesday. I hope it only hits the northern part not the southern part. Anyway, I can live through it.:) Has your city closed anything? Chicago doesn't have a snow day. Our snow plows are always ready. Keep warm!!!:yesnod::peace:
    I'm just chillin this weekend :teeth: I hope you are out and having fun :party:

    Got about 3 inches of :smow: last night :rofl: It's sad that it doesn't even phase us here anymore :nonod:
    :hello::lollypop: Hi sweetie, Happy New year. I hope all is well with you.:yesnod:
    Quiet weekend for me, BF is under the weather. How's your weekend going:questionmark:

    My tan is fading fast :argh:

    :faint: I think I need a vacation :smiley:
    :wave: :blushing: This weekend I went to the Casino with my BF and drank way too much :puke:

    Did you end up snowboarding:questionmark:

    Yesterday I spent sometime at the Orthodontist and got braces on my bottom teeth :teeth:

    :faint: What was I thinking :faint:
    :hail: Thanks for the birthday wishes! :smiley:

    :spy: I am now 23 years old :rofl:

    :party: You know you're getting old when the only drink you have on birthday is a glass of wine with dinner :faint:

    TGIF - Are you doing anything special this weekend:questionmark:

    :nonod: not sure what I'm doing, but I know it won't be wild and crazy :loco:
    :party: Happy New Year! :cheers:

    :sad: sorry I haven't been here in a while, I was on vacation :smiley: My BF and I went to the Dominican Republic with another couple. Yesterday was my first day back to work :nonod:

    We've had snow, but nothing too bad, how's the weather where you are:questionmark:

    :faint: Today is my :birthday: :argh: I'm so old I can't believe it!
    :wave: Hi there :yikes: sorry I haven't been around :nonod:

    Do you enjoy your christmas :santaclaus:

    I bet your BF spoiled you :yesnod:

    Mine was nice, but I'm glad it's over :faint:
    I've sold 509 items on eBay! I put 5 things on this past Sunday and I'm hoping over Thanksgiving people are going to be looking for holiday gifts.

    I'm not sure if I'll do any BF shopping, it's a tough week for me because I still will work on Friday and Saturday.

    What are you going shopping for? I used to go to Staples, that's probably the only place I've gotten up early for.

    :listen: I told you I hate shopping, but I love a bargain :teeth:
    Your :photo: are amazing :teeth:

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you :hugs:

    With eBay, even if the insertion fee is free - you still get charged when you are selling. I've found that the fees ( FVF = final value fee & Paypal fee) usually end up to be almost 2o%

    Of course if you don't take someone's payment through Paypal you only have the FVF.

    :vroam: TTYL

    :eek: I amost forgot , Happy Thanksgiving if I don't talk to you sooner :like:
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