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  • went to thread post to figure which file... those are posted by Eva_Marie.. not me iokijo ..I only have access to what I posted.
    I've sent Eva a PM but don't know what time or how often she checks here...
    I'll post asking if anybody knows her to ask her to check her messages.... but keep in mind.. you pretty much showed up on the forum with fists swinging, threatening law suits etc. within a 24hr period, I can't say how much effort the people that have been posting here for years are going to want to put into finding Eva. I don't know her personally, or know where she frequents on the web maybe somebody does.
    Would have been much better to say that having you real name & city were causing you problems in real world, and is there anybody that could help getting your name removed from the list ... then giving forum members time to see what they could do.
    I'll ask the Mod.s if they have access to remove member uploaded files if Eva can not be found..
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