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  • Thanks for the bday wishes & comments, everyone. :) Missed all of you. <3 We're moved into our house (we closed on it 10/30/2008) & have been here since. Things haven't stopped being crazy since then (really, since before then) but we're managing. I finally have some free time to be on here & I remembered about the amazing ALLURE AUGUST giveaways!! I don't know how much I'll be able to do this time since my computer can be really slow, but we'll give it a shot. :) I had some good luck last time I tried in 2008!
    Happy Birthday, Kaija! :)

    :) Thanks sweet! <3

    No, we haven't moved in yet... It's just a plot of land right now! lmao. We're building it w/KB Home... it's been crazy...everything was going so smoothly, too smoothly (lol), and then the end of last week we encountered a road block... hopefully that'll be fixed this week & the build schedule can get back on course. They said the whole process (building) takes about 4-5 months so we're prob. looking at Oct or Nov. Hopefully we can close before Nov 31 to take advantage of the 8K tax credit! :)
    Kaija! So good to see you around again! Missed your postings!! Congrats on the house!have you moved in yet? Details?!!!
    Back in October, you listed some secret shooper sites. Have you heard of shadowshopper.com and are they legit?
    Thanks guys! I appreciate all the comments & the bday wishes. :) Sorry I've been MIA. Things have been odd the past few months.
    :birthday: I wanted to be the first to wish you a very Happy Birthday! :teeth:
    Hi, Kaija! :) I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I'm thinking of you and your family. I hope you all are holding up okay. :hug:
    My hubby doesnt like peeps either! Be sure to check out my post in the "Favorite Halloween Snack" thread! :bigok:
    I saw your avatar and wanted to leave you a note....is that a marshmallow peep? I LOVE those things! Cute pic!
    since you know so much about roboform i thought i would ask you i downloaded one and i thought it was the one i wanted free but now it has stopped working had something come up about having to pay i want one that i can add at least five peoples names and info can you help me out please thanks?
    No idea, maybe you just don't quite fit the profile they have been looking for. I have only received 2-3 in the past few months, but nothing like I used to get. Now my mom, she gets several and has received lots of samples to try out and comment on.
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