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  • Hey Toot! :wave: I'm glad you like the nickname! LOL It's been raining and storming a lot here in South Carolina lately! :umbrella: It hasn't helped with the heat any though! :34: Have a great week and I hope to see you on soon. :hug:
    Thanks, you have a great one also. Mine won't start till late afternnon on Saturday! :)
    Thanks for stopping by! :rose: I really appreciate it & hope you have a wonderful week, too! :hug:
    I dont know if "fun" is the word....lol. It is definitely interesting. I worry about the coyotes the most. The other day my husband was out washing the car and my 3 yr old was helping him and one of the coyotes ran right behind them. Thank God he was being chased by the neighbors dogs....but they are out during the day. Not too worried about the bears, they are used to people and arent confrontational. Just leave something good in the dumpster for them to eat and they are happy. lol

    On a side note.....there is alot of kissin and huggin on this page......:convinced:
    LOL ;)
    :rofl: I just saw what Deb posted, she is a little corny too (but she won't admit it)! :eek: :rofl: I just wanted to stop by and say hey! I hope that everything is okay, haven't seen you for awhile!! :hug: :kiss: Hope to see you real soon and have a great weekend!! :rose:
    Boy, everyone on this page just loves to send you a :kiss:! I have the corniest friends like Joyce and fox! :hug: I guess you do to.:eek:
    :hug: :kiss: Thanks jltoot for the friendship invite! :hug: I think you are so sweet! :hug: Have a great day! :rose:
    Hi, jltoot! :) Thanks for such a sweet message! :hug: Thanks for appreciating me because I appreciate you all, too! :kiss:
    I think we are the only members of social groups that ever check in! :noidea:
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