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  • :blushing: Just thought you might want to know, I'm sure it would have been safe there :yesnod:
    It's on Pats page, you sent it there. If you look on your own page and click on the conversation with her, you will see it.
    I'll go look, I think it actually might be showing up on someone's page. You sent it to them to get you the burts bee thingy.
    I saw a message (not a private one) that you sent with your name addy and email. :captain: everyone can see it :spy:
    :director: Lisa, we all who you are now :spy:

    OK--glad you found it. I just got back on the computer now and signed up myself. I took a nap earlier and had a long phone call right after. Where the hell did the day go?
    The free version allows you to have full access (unlimited profiles, unlimited passwords, etc.) for the first 30 days. After that, you can only have 2 profiles & 10 passwords/id's.

    I presume, from what you wrote, that you've reached the 30 day mark and are now being told you can only have a limited number of these things? I don't believe there's another way around it. Personally, I'm only using 2 profiles so I can still do the one-click fill in (the whole reason I got it), but afa the passwords, I just use it to store passwords -- I can still add new ones & I can still *read* them, but I can't fill out id/pw's with one click anymore, as I choose to keep more than 10 in there.

    Hope this helps! :)
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