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  • Nowhere really. I did the Spoofee 12-step program and IT WORKED (until now). :cry:
    OK, putting all that serious stuff aside on those threads....what do you think of the opening day game on EASTER NIGHT???? Fans aren't too happy about it here. We like our traditions! :yesnod:
    The magic number??? Seven.........days until catchers and pitchers report to spring training!!! YeHaa!!! :wavey:
    You got it! So far all the other kids I've viewed don't have nearly the amount of votes Emma does.:boogy:

    I'm originally from Chicago and LOVE the idea of ballot stuffing :shhh:
    Actually, compared to the weather other places are having ours is great. Last winter when the rest of the country was under 12 ft of snow we had 3 ft and now, where it's unusually hot everywhere else (it seems) we are unseasonably cool (albeit wet). What I get POed about is the streets are wet and I can't do what I would like to do, my daily roller blade to Central Park.
    oh cool! I live 30mins from Penn.. well by the LIRR anyways. Dont you just hate the weather we have been having?
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