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  • Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!
    Thank you for taking care of my four legged babies! :hug:
    Is K-ma pregnant? She'll lead you to believe she isn't, but I don't know about
    I'm sure you would know before any of us. She really is the greatest, isn't she?
    I'm glad everyone got a laugh out of my and Dbee's guessing.
    kma's up to something.....:creep:...........let's hire some help :spy:
    Busy? Busy with what? Hmmmmm.....?????? lol You have to take time for Spoofee dear! ;)
    Hey! Dont be all stopping by my profile and not leave me a message! ;)
    Hey G-mom, how are you doing? Are you getting used to the place yet?
    I'll be happy to help you when you are ready- or anyone you ask should be a lot of help :)
    This is fun to do. Go to the top of the page on the right. Click on Community. Then go about 1/2 down and there is a section called "community lounge". If you look-you will see 3 listings in this catagory. The center one should say "introduce yourself". IF you click on that and then right above all the posts on the left side (not at the top of the page) There is something that says "new Thread" Click on that and then you say what ever that you want to introduce yourself to everyone. You might want to look at the posts there, before you add your thread. If you have a problem with this, let me know. :) I'll look forward to welcoming you when you decide to do it. :wave:
    She is already addicted to the freebie's dbee. A few days after she got on the site she was staying up real late scouring for deals. lol :bigok:
    It will take no time and you will be so addicted! :rofl: :hug: You still have zero posts, don't be affraid:eek: One thing that you can start out doing, is introduce yourself. K-Ma can tell you how, or I will if you want. :claps:
    You know I was about half asleep when I added I didnt know it was you! LOL
    And I am sorry that the phone died....all the house phones right now are dead because someone never puts them in the cradle to charge!
    I tried to call you back and it was busy.
    Have a good night and I will ttyl.
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