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  • :sad: Wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas :santaclaus: But you haven't been here :bawling:
    Froggy, where have you been? :noidea:

    :bawling: I miss having you around :teeth:
    I really don't know that much about this part of football...I guess I am a bad off season fan!! you will have to update me and learn me that part of it LOL...I just love watching them and seeing them win...yay us!! we got the team to beat!! We rock!!
    My kids are a mess but I lub em!
    :marchmellow: You go play and have fun, just wanted you to know that I was looking.:behindsofa:
    Hello back!! I can't wait for football season!!! I got the coolest eagles coat and now I gotta wait all summer before I can wear It was on clearance and it rocks!! How you been and where you been?? :)
    :noidea: Where do you hide when you come on the site? :peep: I haven't seen you around :sad:
    Where have you been hiding?!?! Do I need to send my Jeb out on a search mission, because trust me he can't find his own behind with both paws! LMAO You are missed! Rags and Jeb
    :spy: I have my little way of dropping by and checking up on you every now and then :scared: DOn't be affraid.........
    :mod: I'm on the look :captain: out for you! It's been a week :bawling:
    my ex got me into football and he was an eagles fanatic...I tried to dislike them after we split but I just LOVE the just can't forget your first football love(but you can get rid of the man!)!! go eagles!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for coming by!!
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