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  • Thank you for the :hug: ................:wave:..........................:teeth:
    You are officially over the hump :roll: :smiley:

    Thanks I did have a great day, I hope yours was the same.

    Have a great holiday weekend:attention:
    :wave: we had some of those 90 degree days, now we are heading for a few days in the low 60's. :noidea: we just can't win. Somewhere in the middle would have been perfect.

    :clap: good job on the message, it came to me this time :smiley:

    No more of the newbie stuff, you are just like the rest of us now :loco:
    :rofl: I just stopped by your page and saw that you responded to my last message. :pound:

    I had :noidea: no idea, sorry it tool me 3 1/2 months to get back to you :doh:

    I think I've played bingo at a big place twice in my life. I hope you have the chance to try it out. You just might win :greed:

    Your message posted on your own page and not mine. :lol:

    When you respond to this message, click on the bottom right corner where it says "view conversation" . That way it won't take me so long to get back to you. :wave:

    I hope you aren't dying from heat today like we are, it's about 94 :faint:
    Cool my hubby's family is from Michigan. I have yet to visit but I hope to this year some time. The weather here is crazy. Hot one day, cold the next, you just never know what you are gonna get lol. We really didn't get any snow this year...a few flurries but nothing stuck. My hubby's grandma (she lives in Flint) told me about the snow up there. Do you play bingo? I love bingo and my grandma in law goes all the time I am a little jealous lol.
    :willy_nilly: I know I got spoiled with having a few nice days, but I hope the rest are not far behind. :tape: I'm in Michigan, about 35 miles Northwest of Detroit in the burbs. Tennesse couldn't be that bad weather wise, is it? We had a pretty cold winter (lots of days below zero) and now it's rain thats the problem. :noidea: Just can't win. :whip:
    I see what you mean now about the repost. I do what you did all the time. I reply to message on my own page :confused: Nice to know that it's not just me. :rofl:
    Thanks, I'm working on having a decent snow,just rain makes me happy. I hope that you have a great week. :clap:

    If you repost when you send a message:teeth: that's just peachy, if you repost when you put on a freebie..:mad: people freak out :yikes:

    I am doing good. I have really been enjoying the weather we have had the past couple of day's. Wish it would last longer. I hope you are doing well also and are having a great week.
    :itsme: Stopped by to say hello:wave: I hope that you are doing well :hug:
    LOL that is too funny. I had a cat and her name was Fancipants (R.I.P) she was spoiled rotten. So I use the name for my pogo and it just stuck.
    Did I ever mention that when I was a kid, I wore what I called "fancy pants"! They were white ruffled like underwear that went over a diaper. :rofl: I was under 2 years old. :)
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