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  • I didn't see if anyone answered you, but yes, the candy bar cpns were postcards :/ that's totally lame that your post office steals your stuff. I actually got my cpns for candy bars and hotdogs, surprised me though, my mailman is more LAZY than a thief....I don't get bills until like 2 days before they are due. The only thing that I *know* disapeared was my nicorette. Mom lives 3miles away and got hers 1week ago! I haven't filed any reports, but I'm tempted, because that 20pc nicorette would be expensive if I bought it. Hope you have better luck w/ your mail delivery.
    You really have to have proof of what you lost, when it was mailed, what it was, postage, etc. so that is why I suggest you mail things to yourself from another town and keep track of it. Good Luck! Sorry I had to seperate all this info!
    . . . only the government can decide to do that. If they are stealing your mail and get caught, they usually don't get anything but a warning. If they just steal free stuff, and not checks, etc. it is not a big deal to the postal service. So I wish you good luck!
    We never mail bills or anything important from our mail box or our town post office . . . that is how bad it is. You have to start mailing things to your self from a different address or a different return address (so they don't know) and keep track of everything . . . it is just too much work for me right now, plus the postage is high for packages which is mostly what they steal. If I get any candy bar coupons I will faint. Our post office is so lame, we had proof that a out of state person forged a forwarding document for my father in law to send his mail out of state AFTER his Death and the people took all his checks, mail, accounts, etc. before we figured out what happened . . . but we tried with lawyers to prosecute and they don't care
    Hi There! Several times I filed online, I think you can google something like postal theft form or something like that, it was a while ago. Also I used to go to the regional postal center in another town and ask for papers to fill out there. Seems like if the theft stopped, it was only when my carrier went out of town . . . but it also could be someone sorting at our local post office.
    hi :wave: how did you file the reports about the mailman? i am in the same shoes as you and i just want some justice :wink: LOL aka i want whats mine :yesnod:
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