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  • :sad: It's been a long time :nonod:

    I hope the move went well, and that you are healthy! :smiley:

    I miss having you around :yesnod: Though I'm not here much myself anymore :noidea:
    At the end of Oct/first of Nov. we moved out of state and I am just now getting everything done and back to my normal routine. It has been a very long hard year. I hope that 2010 is better, WITH NO SICKNESS!!!!!! Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Yes, I am still crafting and loving every minute of it. I actually have a 12x12 craft room now :yesnod::yesnod::loving:. Sorry, I had to do this in two posts as it was just too long!!!!
    Hi everyone. I have MIA for a very long time. In March of this year I came down with a bad case of the flu and it lasted for about 4 months. I was in the ER multiple times as well as the Dr's office. I did get to graduate with my BS though:boogy:. In July we went on a long vacation to my parents house and their internet is sooooo slow :argh:. In August my son crashed my computer with 13 viruses and infected 41 files, so it took me a long time to get the computer back up and running. Also in August my son came down with the swine flu and strep throat so he and I both got quarantined to the house, with no computer :cry::lol:. I got stuck with taking all the medicine in hopes I wouldn't get it too but I did anyways. We were really sick about 6 weeks, and then just had minor lingering symptoms like coughing etc.
    Where the heck have you been? Stop with all those crafts and reading. :sad:

    I wanted to wish you a very :birthday:
    It's a book or a hook that is keeping you busy now? I'm going to guess book! :sad: miss having you here :wave:
    T:proud: hanks for getting back to me. :oI haven't checked those boards in soooooooo long:(, I forget they are there.:eek:
    :):)HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! I have started back to school trying to finish up this last year on my Bachelor's so I can move on to get my Master's. I am sure I have been missing out on a bunch of freebies:( but that is the way the cookie crumbles sometimes, esp when school starts back. I haven't got to crochet much either, so I can't lay my hook down dbee LOLLOL. I hope everyone is doing well. All is well here, except for the fact I don't have much time for playing my games, freebie hunting and crocheting. I will try to come around more as I have finally gotten my schedule worked out where ALL my classes fall on M-W-F :claps::claps:. So, maybe I can sneak in here on T-R. OOPs sorry, LOL using college lingo, R stands for thursday LOL. Take care everyone and hope to hear from you all soon!!!!!!!

    Have a fantastic weekend!!! I am going to go freebie shopping now and see what has been posted and what I have missed LOL.
    Where are you? We miss having you around. Put down the hook and come around again:)
    Thank you Thank you for the birthday wishes!!!! I haven't been here much as I have been busy crocheting LOL I am working on some charity stuff, afghans for christmas, baby sets for gifts and a kitchen set for me (one of the few things I have made just for ME!!! LOL)
    :doh:I stopped by and saw your response to my last question. :worry:It didn't show up on my page, I just saw it snoopy around. LOLThat's funny about the crocheting. :convinced: I also started crocheting around 18 years ago-when I was about to become an Aunt. At that time I also started to like the crossword in the newspaper. :ohwell:Needless to say-I got hassled alot! :noidea:

    I really stopped by so I could wish you :birthday: Have a great one! :claps:
    I made a post one time about my kids thinking it very strange about me crocheting all the time etc etc and someone replied back that maybe they think i am like their grandmother instead of their mother LOLOLOL so i found this avatar and have been using it ever since
    :druel: Do tell the story. I'm listening.........:)

    click on "view conversation", then post your response so it gets sent to me. Still waiting........:yawn:
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