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  • Thank you no I haven't been around much and I promise I will do better. Having some health problems and haven't been getting anything done on the comp much fall asleep everytime I get online pretty much. lol almost 1000 email ugh and over that in spam. Have also been busy with faceobok when i've been on. Got hooked on farmtown and pet society on there and found some old friends haven't talked to in a very long time. Have a pogo membership and haven't even been doing the challenges on there half the time. My leg is healing tho very slowly, is infected with staff right now so isn't doing quite as well but really has healed a lot the wound care dr still thinks I need a skin graft but the surgeon is still dragging his heals on that as he thinks I'm a bad risk with my health problems. So frustrating but am sure it will get healed up one of these days. Didn't know you'd get a book when you messaged me I bet! Hope all is well with you and thank you for caring!, Kim
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