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  • Choo, I wish to report that a Spoofee crime has been committed. I once had 20,000 posts and now I am 13 short! Those bastages stole my posts!!!! :rant: Was it you?:suspicious:
    I'm waiting for a profound moment or an epiphany..........*sigh* may be a while...:toetap05:
    It would appear that at least one member of the group is hoping for the return of Fifi La Maid.
    And after Preco told me about my level I put it back to what it was... I'm sorry if that was the problem:cry:
    HI Choochoojr,

    I have a question about what I did wrong to get my account reset. I am VERY sorry if I did anything to offend you and I hope you could tell me what I did wrong.

    At the request of the group....Please do not wear the French Maid costume this year (but if you really have to - DON'T post the pictures.
    A few more gray hairs and birthdays and you can get a day job as a mall Santa.

    :blushing:If you really knew the extent of my 'shoe collection', you wouldn't be suggesting that....:nono:

    Thanks Choo, I hope that this year will be the "best" for you also! :hugs:
    Happy New Year, Choo & Babs! :hugs:

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