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  • I checked facebook and there are more Michael Blounts then I thought so when you search for my name, my profile picture is my daughter riding the talon roller coaster. She will have the yellow bars over her shoulders.
    I finally got to go to a magic game this past monday. Had a little trouble getting the seats due to computer glitch that lost all seats left by the team. Finally got in about halfway through the second. Great game. 50th win. Was sitting behind Vince Carters girlfriend and in front of Jameer Nelsons mother. There was this annoying 76er fan sitting beside us yelling at "coach Mario" and calling Matt Barnes a bum. He started to talk about VC until he found out his girlfriend was sitting right in front of him. My daughter got a nice picture with Jameer and if I can figure out how to send it to you I will. Otherwise if you have facebook you can look at the pictures there. Just friend me, Michael Blount Playoffs start soon so I am hoping to have one more game to send you but not sure.
    No, I get direct text messages from the Magic. Usually it is just score updates or news of awards or player of the week etc. Sometimes I get a text stating that for the first 10 min of the third quarter (or whatever it is) drinks or hotdogs or whatever is buy one get one free. Stuff like that. They are the ones who text me when they are giving away tickets. I think it has something to do with Dwights promotion of Tmobile. Kind of a you wash my back and I will wash yours. It is funny cuz I will be sitting in the stands watching the third quarter and get a text telling me the halftime score. they are usually 5 min or so behind. Anyway I will be happy to keep giving you the heads up on these. Also if I get one for merchandise discounts (only happened once in the two years I have been getting these texts) or anything else I think you might like I will send it your way. With all this snow up here I have nothing better to do anyhow=(
    You got to see a great game last night. VC was on fire in the second half. I would have pm'd you but after the switch over to this new board I lost your info. I added you as a friend, if you accept, so I can be sure you get these as soon as I hear about them. I am thinking maybe two more at least based on how much season is left. I dont get to see them till Feb. :( I guess I will just have to catch what games I can on tv till then.
    glad you enjoyed. It is a much more exciting game when you are there live than on tv. I almost cant watch them on tv anymore, almost.....;P
    Hope you can get the Magic tickets. They will probably be in the upper bowl but free is free right. I have a buddy who is one of the trainers so when they come to Philly he gets me seats with the players families and it is a great time. If you have never been to a game you will love it. Lets just hope Dwight gets out of his funk and plays better than last night.
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