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  • My grandson will turn 1 on the 16th. They live out of state but I am going to visit them for his birthday. My son is in the army and is getting discharged by the end of the year. Once discharged he, my daughter-in-law, the baby and 2 dogs are moving in with us so they can adjust to civilian life, enroll in classes and find jobs. Once they are ready, they will get a place of their own. They live 750 miles away so I am going from hardly seeing them to having them here full time. I cannot wait to spoil that precious :baby:
    Well I cannot take the credit. The baby is my grandson and the 2 dogs belong to the baby and his parents. They still make me very happy though.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter Day!
    As I write this, I see you left me a message under this on YOUR page. Oh, well. I finally got to read it! have a great one, Apple :)
    Hey Apple! I just noticed your message - I'm a little slow sometimes! Do you still have snow on the ground from the storms? We're getting a little taste of spring - it should be in the low sixties today, but rain tonight and on through Sunday morning. We are also weary of winter and everyone is giddy from the change. I'll have to work until five, but maybe I'll go for a bike ride after. I haven't been out on the bike in months of course. My stepdaughter gave me her old bike last year. I'm not real gung-ho, but I like getting out for a half an hour or so. I take the backroads to minimize traffic. We're kind of out in the boonies, our town population is only 600. Anyways, nice hearing from you and hope spring is right around the corner in your neck of the woods, too.
    Hi, Big! Geez, I see I haven't been over to visit you for awhile. Hope all is well over there in Illinois. We here in MA are about to get hit with a couple of storms starting tonight. Not looking forward to that! By this time of year, we are pretty weary of all the shoveling and mess. Have a great weekend, Apple :)
    Good Morning! Hope you had a great weekend. It would have been a lot better if the Patriot's hadn't done so poorly but the Sox won. One more win and we are in the playoffs. I love my sports! And now I have a group of friends coming over for brunch so I had better get those quiche in the oven. Have a great day. Apple :)
    Yep, that is a groundhog in the cage. That's cool that you helped out the rabbit-sounds like it was a lot of work. I try to catch ground hogs, rabbits etc., to keep them out of my yard. They have a tendency to dine on all my flowers and it makes me crazy! :wave:
    school is school.... :)
    but it is all good.

    Well, the trees around my home are definitely changing colors.

    My leaf crunching time is coming soon.
    Hi BigD. Stopping by to say hi. Looking at your photo there-you don't have crunchy leaves already, do you? It is way too soon for that.
    Have a great day, Apple
    :)I saw both your messages. :claps: I'm glad that you are done working for the day in time to enjoy the weather. I have one cockatiel, he is looking in the mirror at himself :rofl: He thinks it's another bird. :wave:
    I just noticed that you haven't had a message left for you yet, so I thought I would be the first. :wave: I hope that you are doing well, and have a great weekend :teeth:
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