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  • :prey: I wish you a speedy recovery :yesnod:

    Congrats on the :baby: How exciting :teeth:

    Feel good :angel:
    Hello and congrats! I hope you are feeling well and enjoying your newborn while still catching up on sleep. And a happy belated birthday. Yours is the same day as my Mom's and my great nieces too! Take care, Apple
    Congratulations on the pending arrival!! What great news!! Enjoy all of it as it goes by very quickly!!
    hay I live in NYC too, I think there were 1000 people for 34th Street Macy's last evening...
    Bloomingdale is the best. you can try bergdorf goodman too.
    Congratulations BabyV!! The pictures are beautiful and so are both of you. Many blessings for a long and happy life together!!
    So glad to hear that you are doing well, besides being tired! :hug: I am doing pretty much the same, doing great besides being a little tired! :yawn: Good talking to you and I'll be seeing you around! :)
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