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  • :five: sounds awesome. :clap: I would be so excited :teeth:

    My bf is going to work on my car right now, the drivers side door won't open from the outside. :motz:
    I switched to a SUV about 8 years ago, and could never imagine driving a small car again.

    I hope you manage to have a nice weekend :canabis:
    I think you should trade your car in and get a tank.....................:five:
    :faint: sorry to hear about your sons accident :nonod:

    Thank goodness so far with all the bad luck everyone is doing alright. I bet you can't wait for this year to be over with already :heart:
    :yesnod: I fully understand. I have a friend who almost got hit by a truck on the freeway driving, she refuses to drive on the freeway anymore. :sad: I wish she could just take the time and realize that life plays some mean tricks, but we shall overcome and not miss out on the time we have. She won't do a lot of things now because it's takes to long to get around, since she wouldn't drive on anything but regular roads.

    I feel the same way about amusement parks :teeth: Thank g-d my life will still be normal if I never go to one again :marchmellow:

    :listen: I once thought that I would never drink Vodka again :rofl:
    :prey: I hope you will be able to get in a car again and not be scared.....:driver: I guess it's standing still that's dangerous :sorry:
    :doh: I just found your message, :rofl: You posted it on your own page :faint:
    I was wondering where the h*ll you've been :teeth:
    I just saw your :photo: :yikes:

    It's amazing how you both got it! What are the odds of that :faint:
    How are you feeling now?
    Yeah I take my vicodin,flexeril and start playing away. i had just picked my car up from being fixed $1,600 wasted :(. I got pics of our cars and the jerk that hit us. I'll post them.
    :scared: OMG! I can't believe that accident, that totally sucks :sad: Sorry to hear about that :bawling:

    That's pretty funny about all those FB games, I bet that has made your recovery less painful. :teeth:
    So am I, I am soooo addicted to Vegas Slots! Which game are you addicted to?

    I have friends that are so addicted to, Yoville and farmville and Mafiawars:noidea:
    I just had a :birthday::cocktail: for you, I hope you enjoyed it :teeth:
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