This Old House Magazine Subscription for $4.89

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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DiscountMags is offering This Old House subscription for $4.89.

Regular Price is $16

1. DiscountMags Price is $16.00

2. Use coupon code PREBF39595 to get $11.11 off

Final Price is $4.89
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I just got a one year subscription to this magazine for FREE last week! No need to pay even a dollar for subs like this or Pop Sci, Road & Track, Pop Mech, Sports Illustrated and about 50 more popular titles of all kinds of interests. They're on a 'master list' that subscription pumping companies send out via emailed, limited time/quantity offers just about every day of the year all year long, year in & year out.

I've received literally thousands of dollars of magazine subscriptions for NOTHING during the past 10 years. The more desirable ones (widest audiences) sell out (for free, I am telling you) usually within the first 15 - 30 minutes after the 'broadcast' is sent so check your email often if you want some of these great magazines for free! In the past I've had Playboy (rarest of them all) to Cosmo (always available)...

Simply 'Google' what I have just taught you and you'll find it.... Available to EVERYONE that has an Internet connection (yes, that means YOU!)