$30 Newegg Gift Card for $26.99 Shipped


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Newegg is offering a $25 Newegg Gift Card + $5 Promotional Gift Card for $26.99 shipped

Newegg Price is $25 + Ship($1.99)

Add the item to see a free $5 gift card for free

Shipping is free if you have Newegg Premier

Comes with a $5 promo gift card regardless of the value of the gift card you buy so you are best off buying the $25 gift card
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please note... you do not get another 5 dollar promo code if you order more than one.
Thanks Sophia, I'll save these cards for my next video card upgrade
probably next Christmas during the sales and rebates.
Now if Newegg would only send me my Rebate Card from mid-January! Thanks, Newegg.
Thanks! I just signed up to their Premier a few days ago which makes this deal a good one.
This is already my second free $5 gift card since having Premier. It literally pays for itself in my case.
Would be faster to search your couch and car for change if you really need to save those $3...
Nov 19, this promotion is back. This is now my third free $5 gift card since having Premier. It literally pays for itself in my case.
Can't use ebates to get another 1% off. Card won't showup
as available.
Yup, thanks Sophie! This is the 4th one in the last two months. I'm basically using gift cards to pay for gift cards making $5 each time.
Sophia, I read the offer and there's no mention
of the $5 promotion card.
I could of sworn that I was able to pay off gift cards with gift cards a few weeks back but lately it doesn't work. Either way, spoofee and newegg have saved me $40 already with 8 gift cards purchased.